MC-106468 – End crystal beam has incorrect texture on one side.MC-88038 – Furnace minecarts go backwards when turning corners.MC-71426 – Arrows visually despawn when kept from despawning with command blocks.MC-51053 – Furnace minecarts lose power after navigating corners.MC-1541 – Beacon effect removes potion effect of the same type.MC-862 – Spawn protection does not work for item frames, paintings and armor stands.įixes 35 issues fixed From released versions before 1.15 Removed a stray pixel from the bottom-right of the critical hit particle texture.Now captures more information about performance problems.If the game is modded, "(Modded)" will appear with the game version found on the bottom-left of the main menu.(Any of these can be with the * mentioned above) Available types: "Singleplayer", "Multiplayer (LAN)", "Multiplayer (Realms)", and "Multiplayer (3rd-party)".Example: "Minecraft 1.15.2 - Multiplayer (LAN)".Example: "Minecraft* 1.15.2 - Singleplayer" If there is a * after Minecraft then it's modded.If applicable, the window title also specifies the type of multiplayer server the player is on, such as on a LAN or third-party server.Now displays the session type in the window title, such as singleplayer or multiplayer.If set to front, the model will be shaded like a flat item.If set to side, the model will be rendered like a block.Added gui_light option in models to allow controlling light when rendering model as an item in a GUI.A beacon effect will only temporarily overwrite a lower amplifier potion until the beacon effect runs out.Effects are now stored when overwritten by an effect of a higher amplifier.

Now have a 0.2% chance to spawn in forest, wooded hills, birch forest, tall birch forest, birch forest hills, and tall birch hills biomes.Now have a 2% chance to spawn in flower forests.The texture of the horse armor slot in the horse GUI has been changed to reflect the current horse armor textures.No longer anger when a nearby nest/hive is destroyed using a Silk Touch tool.Oak and birch saplings grown with a flower 2 blocks away within a 5×3×5 volume centered on the sapling have a 5% chance to generate a bee nest on the side of the tree.Added a legal disclaimer when clicking the multiplayer button from the main menu: a new information screen informs the player that "Online play is not rated".The disclaimer that appears when clicking on to multiplayer. Controls the spawning of wandering traders.